Man alive. I cannot find the motivation to write anymore. It just seems to much. I started a short story called "Brecker House" which was trying to be a Lovecraft-esque horror and it just turned to crap because I got really bored with it and it was going nowhere.
I have ideas I want to do but I'm bogged down in trying to figure out how to do a good storyline. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Does anyone know a good book/website on that?
Also I'm wearing pants I hate and make me look really frumpy. I have some shorts I was going to wear that I look AWESOME in but its like fourty degrees here so ixnay on the upidstay. Or maybe I'll wear them anyways, just for the confidence. Imma need it tonight. Sometimes I definitely sound like a woman.
Picture of the Day
I bet these dudes don't even workout.