Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Never Guitars In July

It's the last day of January tomorrow. Crazy stuff. I've been able to stay on top of writing this month and in fact I'm actually ahead of my monthly goal and will probably end January about 2500 words on top. YAY!

Work is going... okay. It's definitely work but my schedule changed to mornings M-F so that definitely helps but getting up early is really kicking my butt.

Yeah, yeah!

Monday, January 28, 2013

You're Never Going To Believe This!

Staying positive is rough sometimes. I do well one day but then it's like... why do I have to be positive again?!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Totally, You Guys

Dear God.

Do I really need another dose of humility? Have I not been HUMILIATED enough times in my life? I suppose by the measure of today that I have not. Well... I suppose I should stop expecting things to go well ALL the time in my life, eh? Or, like, ever?

Sincerely, Me.

Anyways... as you can probably tell from the above post, things could be better in my life. And yes, damn it, I know things could be worse. I've lived those worse times, I freaking know they exist.  But honestly things could be going a lot better for me. And yet at the same time it begs the question: What did I honestly expect from MY life?

They say God created everybody and gave them their flaws. I would like to take this time to thank God for creating me the way I am. Yes in my design was created, by way of nature AND nurture, the most successful and happy possible person to live in this world God created the rules for. Oh wait, the opposite of that. Yeah.

Thanks. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Really.

P.S. Sorry for the self pitying post. Sometimes all this bitterness builds up inside me and it's hard not to vent it.