Thursday, December 26, 2013

Its Back?

I changed the addy of my blog back. I was under the impression that blogger would reroute everyone but thats not the case. So. I fixed it. Check id out man.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Coming Home, Moving On

I have changed the address of this blog. It was surprisingly easy. I will also start posting on my tumblr simultaneously.

Good times.

So I have to delete about 2 pages from my book. I started writing things and got stuck because I was trying to force something that didn't work. Blerg.

I have to rewrite HOW many pages?!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

This Ones For The Lonely, The Ones That Seek And Find

Only to be let down, time after time.

Grr... I'm annoyed. Want to talk about it but can't.

So. I'm still writing on this blog. Surprise, surprise, right? I'm lazy as balls. Haven't gotten around to changing that address, still want to post. Whatevs.

I deleted about 500 words today. I had two characters hooking up and then realized WHAT THE HELL THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE CHANGE IT NOW YOU IDIOT BEFORE YOU DESTROY YOUR BOOK

Thanks Buddha I fixed it.

I searched for "Buddha Monster" and this is what came up. haha

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Born To Die

Heya, e'erone.

The future of this blog has become uncertain. I no longer want my name attached to it but it happens to be in the bloody URL.

I feel like this blog might be a deterrent for future employers who look me up online.

If I can figure out how to change the URL but keep everything else then I will keep the blog. If not, well I'll be deleting it and starting over with something much more anonymous.

So if anybody has any info, let me know.

In other news, I've started my second book, tentatively titled Rising Sun 2: Can't Think Of A Title.

Wrote over 900 words today which is 400 more than my daily goal. Hells yeah!