I have, once again, found a career option I am seriously considering. It takes relatively little schooling and sounds pretty awesome. Unfortunately, my fine feathered friends, I'm not quite ready to let this oxygen deprived cat out of the bag. But when I get my first bucket of cash... well you'll be hearing from me.
So how've ya'll be'en? It's been awhile since I posted anything meaningful (unlike the last post) or not slightly gay (unlike post before last). I haven't really been up to much.
Ooh one

P.s. Seriously kids. This one earns an M rating easily. Careful out there.
P.p.s. You might have noticed I removed the ads. Google adSense SUCKS unless you have an extremely high page views percentage.
1- I've started reading some graphic novels and found that I really like them. Nothing intense like the one you reviewed, but it's a cool way of combining reading and art.
2- I was wondering about the adsense thing, so good to know- I won't give it a try.
3- Good luck with the new career/job!
Thanks Lis.
- Yeah adsense is super gay.I mean lame. I'm trying not to use gay as a derogatory term anymore. I think it's kind of like saying something is super... "mormon" or something. Kinda offensive.
-What graphic novel have you read?
Can't wait till you let the kitty out of the bag...gasp.....;>
I've read Much Ado About Nothing (it has the same Shakespeare language, but fun illustrations), Mercury by Larson Hope, Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale, Zeus: King of the Gods by George O'Connor (great intro to mythology), and Zita the Space girl by Ben Hatke (won it on Goodreads). I'm definitely going to be reading more in the future, I like them.
I've got a couple more on hold at the library right now, Babymouse: Queen of the World. It's for little kids, but it looks fun. Also Bone by Jeff Smith. Do you have any more you would recommend?
I've been wanting to read 100 bullets since so long man! I can never manage to find a copy :/
To Peachyyy
If you have an Android phone (not sure if apple has this app) there is an app called comixology where you can buy pretty much the whole series. Pretty rad stuff.
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