I did very little actual work but I'm quite proud of it anyways because I have been in a writing rut. I haven't written for weeks, possibly up to a month. Work has been crazy... but mostly I've just been lazy. It's like I've been scared to write because the story wasn't turning out right. Hence the deleting of more than half of it. But I think I'm headed in the right direction now. Yes. Quite good.
Where should I eat lunch? I'm trying to eat healthy and lose weight before my little sis's wedding in October. I've been running a lot and working out and I've noticed some changes but I think a huge part of it is how much absolute JUNK I eat. And by that I mean I KNOW that's a huge part. Wish me luck, send light thoughts my way.
In closing, this picture says more than I ever could:

I guess I've been thinking about food a lot lately because the title of your blog made me first think of a bad salad dressing, then I thought that probably wasn't it, so I thought that perhaps you would write about a bad outfit, but I guess it was neither- crazy mind of mine, huh? Anyways, good luck with the losing weight- it's hard. I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back. Here's to healthiness all around!!
Hey Mike and Liz! Don't give up with getting healthy. Being on the path is the most important step. Treats-even though they are sugar-free-are still my downfall. Dad and I can polish one of those treat bags in nothing flat.LOL! I've never craved chocolate till I went sugar free which I don't understand. It's been fun, kinda, to work on my running. I've always been kinda scared of it because I'm such a bad runner but I've seen a lot of progress this summer. The trick is just to plug at it and accept that some days will be better than other. Okay, Mom, time to step off the soap box. Old habits die hard. Love you guys :D :D
Hei dude, can you tell me how you get google page rank?
That was quite a Disney Picture. Chocolate does go well with writers block.
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