Thursday, October 6, 2011

To Write Or Not To Write

Man alive. I cannot find the motivation to write anymore. It just seems to much. I started a short story called "Brecker House" which was trying to be a Lovecraft-esque horror and it just turned to crap because I got really bored with it and it was going nowhere.
I have ideas I want to do but I'm bogged down in trying to figure out how to do a good storyline. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Does anyone know a good book/website on that?
Also I'm wearing pants I hate and make me look really frumpy. I have some shorts I was going to wear that I look AWESOME in but its like fourty degrees here so ixnay on the upidstay. Or maybe I'll wear them anyways, just for the confidence. Imma need it tonight. Sometimes I definitely sound like a woman.

Picture of the Day

I bet these dudes don't even workout.


Nathalie Shorten said...

Do you think you sound like a woman because you of the pants thing? LOL! Who wants to have furry bums like those 'rillas ;>

Nathalie Shorten said...

Bummer about the writing. Writer's block it is. OPL has books about writing romances. ***Snigger***

Trizzi said...

I have found that it's usually when I try an think of an idea, that it just doesn't seem to come. Just live your life, don't force anything in or out, just live. Go with the flow, and then it'll come to you when you least expect it.

p.s. blogs are here to waist other peoples time with needless bullshit, so fucking enjoy the opportunity dude.

Lis said...

Yeah, I feel the same way about writing. I wrote a short story last year that I thought was pretty good and it just came to me, wrote it out in about 4-5 hours. Nothing since then- it's not good. Well, good luck, and hopefully your inspiration will come soon!!

Hott.BeautySpot said...

I think u r stressing 2 much on what 2 write. Yur images & comments on the images r funny all by themselves

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