I have a second job interview tomorrow! At a different company sure but it's an interview!!! Wahoo. Not exactly a job I'm excited for but it pays better than a lot of jobs around here so yay.
I have gotten back into writing AGAIN. I wrote 800 words last night which is 300 more than my typical goal. Sometimes the words just flow out. It works especially well when you have an idea where the scene is going and you just have to let your mind free and flow through your fingers onto the screen. And yes that would have been more poetic if I had said flow through my fingers onto the page, the ink like my blood, spilling me inner most thoughts and dreams onto paper. But... I write with a friggin computer.
Who writes on paper anymore?!! It's really slow, resource expensive, and it gives you cramps. I wrote about ten pages on paper for a story a few years ago thinking I was all cool and hip 'cause I was writing like people have for thousands of years! Well guess what hipster Mike. That's stupid.
(editors note: If you use paper and pen instead of a computer you're Awesome with a capitol A. These are just the rantings of a mad fool.)
So I finally got the job of editor of this blog. Also I developed a split personality.
I'm feeling very optimistic today which translates, as just about every mood of mine does, into wanting to see a movie today. Unfortunately that is at the mercy of me lovely wife. Hmm... We shall see.
Once more into the gap!!!
Did I mention you are funny? You need to write more. You're even funnier on your blog than you are in real life.
Yes, we can go to a movie. Even thought there's nothing to see. Bugger.
I think you are really funny too- always have! You would do great as a columnist in a paper! (Too bad those jobs aren't easy to come by.) Good luck with your job search- hope you can find a job that works okay for you!
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