Sunday, July 22, 2012

Killing Tonight

I have been playing World of Warcraft like a fiend lately. Like a crazy unhealthy amount. I'm guessing it's me subconsciously trying not to think about the possibility of getting fired tomorrow. MAN this job is stressful. Also some money woes (phones shut off, bills piling up) that have been messing with me seriously.

Last night I had a dream about somebody I used to know. It really messed with my head. I have been feeling off all day because of it. Finally I convinced Miri to go up the canyon with me and I was able to unload about it which helped. Plus getting out of the house. Memories... bah.

I am slimming down again, thank heavens. I've been able to run about a mile three times a week and workout twice a week. Not close to what I was doing before the accident but its a start. Getting there.

Finally I just wrote an AWESOME scene in my book. A kidnap/carchase/gunfight/magical showdown. Nice.


Lis said...

Glad you're doing better with exercise- I'm trying, but it's just so hard to do it. I heard some advice that said to just get up and go the second you think about exercising or you will rationalize your way out of it every time.

I'm excited to buy your book when it's published- keep up the good work!

Also, isn't it nice to have a spouse that can help you feel better- Miri's awesome, like you :)

Mikey said...

Yeah exercising is the worst! Jk it's actually the best. Once you get in the habit of running life gets better!