Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sippin' On A Patron Just To Calm My Nerves

If I keep burning bridges at this rate I'm going to be stuck very very soon. On the plus side I'm learning a lot about myself and what I can and can't do. Or maybe it's more accurate to say what I will and won't do. Yeah, that's better. Gonna miss mv and wish I hadn't thrown that away. Oh friggin well.

Writings going well. Wrote 500 last night, 1000 the day before and I got my book back on track. This chapter I'm working on had just gone all Ozzy on me (off the rails... on a crazy train...?) but I was able to pull it back in and I think it's going to turn out quite nice actually.

Also it's nice to learn that I'm not a socially retarded psycho, that some guys are just completes arse holes. Yeah I said it. Arse. A near curse. Whatcha gonna do? Call the ghostbusters on me?!!

And now this blog post has gone all Ozzy so I'm going to sign off. In parting, just remember:

"...keep your boots tight, keep your gun close and die with your mask on if you got to..."

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