Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What You Did In The Dark

Book Update: There is nothing to update!

Ever since I finished the first draft I haven't been able to start rewriting. I have done literally zero work since then on it.

It's a bummer!

Work is going so so. I thought I would do really well at this job but I'm only doing sort of okay. And I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of getting fired, which can be very stressful. But such is life, eh? It's strange because I feel like the universe dropped this job in my lap and now it feels like the universe is trying to get me fired. WTF UNIVERSE?!! Jk, universe, jk. I only kid.

What do you mean I have to work hard to keep my job?

1 comment:

Lis said...

It seems like life gives us something good because something bad is around the corner sometimes. Hope your job gets better!