Sunday, November 27, 2016

The World As We Know It

What a time to be alive. A kids movie villain will soon be the American president. GMO's are banned in many countries around the world. A movie ticket costs as much as an entire trip to the movies 20 years before. There are so many Marvel movies that I'm getting tired of them.

I wrote a book.

It's not a great book, or even a good book. It's okay. My grammar, as evidenced by this atrocious blog, is sub par. That being said, it's a great story. A fun read if there ever was one. If you can get past the grammar. Which a lot of people can't.

You want it? You got it here, baby:

Life goes on but not much seems to change. I wrote a book but within a month, my life had become the exact same. I had the same crap job that pays crap and wastes my life. I have a massive amount of student debt and piling up credit card debt. Still no health insurance but now I have to pay to be to poor to afford it.

It's all a bit hopeless, no?


We can make a difference in this world. YOU can make a difference in this world.

Here's what you can do:

-click the above link and buy my book.
-convince 100 of your family and friends to also buy my book.
-have them convince 100 of their f&f's to buy my book.

So on and so forth.

Eventually, if everyone does this, I will be a millionaire. And boom. You have changed the world. You have made a poor man he didn't believe life would ever work out into a rich man who can relax.
Amazing what $2.99 can buy, right?

I guess in conclusion... Don't be a shit person. Don't just listen to politicians who tell you to hate. Don't listen to the voice inside that tells you to hate and distrust. And buy my book.

p.s. fuck proofreading, this puppy is going out RAW.

p.p.s. and now you see why my book has bad grammar.

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