Monday, January 23, 2012

When All Is Said And Done

I need to post more often if only to get that stupid Shrek wedding picture off my bloody screen.

What's new? Hmm. Well I recently started working out again. That's been nice as it had been about two months since I was consistently exercising. It's coming along sloowly.

Tried watching X-Files tonight and got to freaked out being in a house that is completely unlocked. Alone except for a dog that keeps barking at nothing. With random phone calls from out of area. Not cool. Needless to say I didn't even finish the episode. Instead I watched IRON CHEF: The greatest cooking show ever!

Haven't been writing consistently either which is a bummer because near the end I was writing around a thousand words a day no sweat. Now I'm back to struggling to get my five hundred. Blah.

In parting I'd like to talk about the 2012 end of the world hooha. The Mayans said there would be an end of an era not the end of the world. But this could mean an end of the HUMAN era. Maybe it's time for another race to live on the planet. I would like to direct you to the Bloop. Please read the whole article but concentrate especially on this line:

"While the audio profile of the Bloop does resemble that of  a living creature, the source is a mystery both because it is different from known sounds and because it was several times louder than the loudest recorded animal, the blue whale"

Interesting. A sound coming from the depths of the south Pacific. What large creatures could possibly dwell there that could make a sound several times louder that the blue whale? I'm guessing the creature would ahve to be an order of magnitude larger than a blue whale to produce such a sound. But these things don't exist right? Well a good man named H.P. Lovecraft waxed poetic on the subject. He described a creature known as Cthulhu who was described thus:

"An octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature... A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque scaly body with rudimentary wings", and "a mountain walked or stumbled".

Once again I posit the opinion: Interesting. This describes Cthulhu as a terrifying creature who was compared to a mountain. We could probably safely assume that was in relation to it's size. We can also safely assume that a mountain is larger than a blue whale. Now in reference to the depths of the south Pacific I give you this:

"(Cthulhu is) a malevolent entity trapped in an underwater city in the South Pacific called R'lyeh"

It is said, if memory serves, that Cthulhu will rise from his underwater city to once again rule the earth, his rightful kingdom. I believe there is also text on the lines of him summoning the Old or Ancients Ones, to which he is a high priest, back to earth to destroy humanity.

Now an ultra low frequency underwater sound emanating from the South Pacific... Cthulhu waking up? The 12 year old in me is fighting with adult actual me to offer up the conjecture: Cthulhu farting in his sleep? 

Regardless of how old you are,I think this is some valid interesting food for thought to say the least.

I know I know. Sounds like Armageddony good times to be had by all. I suppose only time will tell.

So if that's not something to look forward to in 2012, I don't know what is. 

A face only an ancient malevolent God could love.