Monday, September 30, 2013

Grows Flowers In His Apartment

Editing of the Le Book should begin today. I am beyond excited. Once I publish it, I will post a link to it. You must all subsequently PURCHASE THE EFF OUT OF IT. Please.

I've been watching Louie. It's depressing/amazing.

I've also been watching Buffy. Which is my new favorite tv show.

this one book by this one blogger dude is AMAZING

Some of my favorite music includes:
  • Panic at the Disco- Pretty Odd
  • Coheed and Cambria- Year of the Black Rainbow
  • AWOLNATION- Megalithic Symphony
  • Mumford and Sons- Sigh No More

Monday, September 23, 2013


I started another fuckin' job today. It's a lot better emotionally than the last one. It's a lot worse financially than the last one. It's not what I want to do. But it'll pay the bills.

My dream job was posted on craigslist. I'm going to apply for it tomorrow. It's probably not my real dream job but I think about it a lot.

I decided to just self publish my book. Because... FUCK THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY AND IT'S BULLSHIT!!!

What, you want me to send my books to a billion different people? And then 99.9% of them won't even read it. Of those that do, 99.99% of them won't get back to me. Of those 99.9% that do, 100% of them will be rejections.

But then randomly one of them actually finds it in a trash can covered it snot filled tissues and empty wine bottles, little red stains making much of the first few pages illegible. This person likes my book. He emails me back and wants to work with me.

This person is a literary agent. Not a publisher. An agent. NOT A PUBLISHER!!! He just wants to try and sell my book to some publishers.

Oh, by the by. This is NOT a guarantee of publishing. This is a "guarantee" of this person trying  to see if maybe some other ass hole thinks it's good enough to get sell some copies.

And then the process is repeated. Infinitum.

So. Fuck them. I'm going out on my own. And it probably won't work. But I just don't have the life energy to try this.

This has given my soul such freedom.

I'm ready to write the second book. Yeeha!

yeah kinda feels like this

I'm ALSO going to start writing music again. Hopefully.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


That job didn't work out.
I got a job in pest control at a different company.
Good golly.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ya Think?

Some thoughts:

-There are some people I can't stand being around. Self-righteous asses. Is what they are.

-Do you ever get the thought that you've messed up your life permanently?

-My back hurts. Kinda like my soul.

the void is looking down at you

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sigh No More

Plant your hope with good seeds.

I am writing my second book! The first one, Rising Sun, is in the shopping around point. This second one, The Halloween Brigade, is going to be a doozy.

One thing that I find interesting is the main characters of both are women. My sister recently commented that she thought I did a good job of writing for the opposite sex. I was, of course, thankful for the compliment but at the same time... I didn't really try that hard. Mostly I just wrote from a person who's in that situations point of view. Not a WOMAN who's in that situations point of view. Just a person.

I mean... what's the difference. They like to have sex with dudes instead of women (unless LGBT o' course), their clothes and hair are a little different... I can't think of really anything else different I would have written for a guy. The main character, Penny, in Rising Sun isn't as strong as some of the characters around her but... a lot of guys aren't as strong as the people around them. And a lot of women are stronger than those around them. Idk.


This post was not what I originally meant to write about, btw. Just flowed. Flewed. Flew. Flow. Hmm, not sure how to say that. It flewed. I'll go with that. That sounds right. Right? Right.

that, my fine feathered friends, is passion in art

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Balanced On A Knife's Edge Chance In Hell

Hooooooo boy.

I start my new job on Monday. I'm excited but nervous because it could go either way for me. But it's a good thing, I think. It's giving me the opportunity to stretch myself and grow in way's I've been scared to in the past.

I have also submitted my book to another agent. Waiting another two weeks. I really need to start submitting to multiple agents at once...

AAAAANNNNDDDD! I've started my second book. No, not a sequel to the first. If that one doesn't pan out I don't want to be stuck with a useless sequel I can't sell.

And that's the lousy truth!

A light at the end of the scary forest of life