Sunday, July 31, 2011

Things I Like

  1. Cougartown
  2. Free Cars
  3. Iron Man
  4. Movies
  5. Holistic Health (even though sometimes I have a hard time with it)
  6. My religion
  7. Spirituality
  8. The realization that I don't have to live like everyone else
  9. The realization that... I don't remember what this one was
  10. Feeling awesome after consistent workouts
  11. Driving fast with the windows down at dusk
  12. Sitcoms
  13. The Simpson's (rather... the old Simpson's)
  14. Seeing the POSITIVE ways that I'm changing over the years
  15. Weird situations
  16. Being a really weird dude
  17. Dreaming of being rich. Seriously If I ever become rich, I know exactly what I'll be doing with it
  18. Knowing how I would rob a bank if it ever came to that
  19. Not punctuationalising correctly
  20. Sometimes figuring out how I would get out of a situation if something sketchy happened. Popular sketchy situations include: Random zombification of all around me, mugging, atomic blasts, bomber attack, raptor attack
  21. Good sleep
  22. Waking up early on my days off
  23. Hoping someday I will not be poor/ have an actual career
  24. Not doing this list anymore
And finally: Pictures of the day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Dressing Failure

I actually did some writing work today! Crazy right?! I did some reworking of a scene (aka deleted 60% of it) and got some good character development going which actually might change the story a bit (but in a good more interesting way. Don't worry!)

I did very little actual work but I'm quite proud of it anyways because I have been in a writing rut. I haven't written for weeks, possibly up to a month. Work has been crazy... but mostly I've just been lazy. It's like I've been scared to write because the story wasn't turning out right. Hence the deleting of more than half of it. But I think I'm headed in the right direction now. Yes. Quite good.

Where should I eat lunch? I'm trying to eat healthy and lose weight before my little sis's wedding in October. I've been running a lot and working out and I've noticed some changes but I think a huge part of it is how much absolute JUNK I eat. And by that I mean I KNOW that's a huge part. Wish me luck, send light thoughts my way.

In closing, this picture says more than I ever could:

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So I recently got a twitter account. Not because I think I have many thoughts that need to be shared with the world but because I like to follow certain entertainers/activists/idiots and read what they think needs to be stored in the library of congress. I have two posts. Ever. Which leads me to the point of this post: I have 3 followers on twitter.


Why are people following me? I have next to ZERO presence on twitter.
