Monday, June 4, 2012

Update: Ahoy Hoy

I previously listed some movies I was excited to see. I have seen half of them. Here are my reviews.

The Dictator
Pretty trashy, not that funny. Everything with Jason Mantzoukas was good but other than that you could watch the trailers and hit all the comedy hotspots and avoid your $10.25 ticket.

The Avengers
All the hype surrounding this movie is 100% justified. It delivers exactly what it promises and I would go so far as to say it would get an E on it's O.W.Ls at Hogwarts. Not sure if I nailed that reference but hopefully you get the idea.

The Novel:

It's coming along slowly. Been busy with work and then a dirt bike accident which left me stranded on a couch watching movies all day and I would say that is almost worse because my motivation goes to almost nothing when the threat of any movie anytime is present. 

So long, farewell Texas. Not a fan.

1 comment:

Lis said...

We've heard The Avengers is really good, but we still need to watch Thor first. Welcome home soon- we missed you!!