Monday, February 17, 2014

The Rain In Spain?

I wrote for the first time in over 1 month today. It was awesome. Hard initially but very rewarding once I got into it.

I realized today that I will most likely never be a successful author. And that's okay. I will continue writing and writing and self publishing and if a few family members and a handful of friends are the only ones who ever read my stuff, that's okay. I'm okay with that. I just have to keep writing.

My financial future, on the other hand, is in better shape. I have some plans that are years in the doing but will hopefully pay off handsomely.

Another huge realization I've made is that I don't want the biggest job. I don't want the most important position in the company. I just want to make a good living in a low stress job I enjoy and spend my emotional energy on things I love instead of things that make money.

Ideally I want to live somewhere that I produce most of my food myself with not very many possessions and lots of friends and spirits. That sounds glorious. And a way to write, of course.

1 comment:

Lis said...

Good luck! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

I'm about halfway through a good book you might like:

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, wrote this book and it's pretty good. It gives a simpler, better, much needed look at life. I think you would like it too. Let me know if you read it!